Monday, June 27, 2011

Project Integration in Nepomuk - My project in Gsoc 2011

Ok time to start blogging again this time the reason : Google Summer of Code 2011 + KDE + Nepomuk.Its a bit too late for me to be writing a 'introductory' blog post about the gsoc, but better late than never.

The project is called Project Integrator (or Project Manager) to give you a brief idea, en excerpt from GSoC 2011 Nepomuk Ideas Page :

One lands up working on various different projects. It would be beneficial if Nepomuk could keep track of Projects. This would include remembering which files were involved, the people involved, TODO lists, etc. One of the most important aspects would be a form of browser integration, as research for a project is primarily done through a browser. There should be ways to annotate web pages, bookmarks, and even selected parts of a web page.

State Of the project right now

This is the (rather ugly) GUI at the moment, it'll get changed after I'm done implementing all the functionalities.

What is it capable of doing at the moment:

  • Create 'Projects' (in nepomuk its stored as something called PIMO:Project)
  • List out all the Projects in nepomuk (also list out other things like notes,Persons,tasks etc.
  • Double Click and select a 'LiveProject' : The concept of live project is central here, more on that in a while.
  • Drag and drop text snippets, Web Urls, Any kind of files and the project manager will store it in nepomuk in 'proper' association with the current 'Live Project'
  • Open filedialog and associate files with the project

Why would you want to use it?

The concept of a live project presumes that one is working on one project at a time, say I want to start working on the Gsoc project: I open up the project manager. List projects and double click the Gsoc project. This sets Gsoc project as a live project. What it means is whatever you drag and drop in the project manager will be associated with the Gsoc project (until you change the project). When i say associated I mean, a nepomuk resource for that dropped file/text/webpage will be created and associated with Gsoc project. When you start working on another project you can just double click another project and set that one as the live project.

What is in scope for coming few weeks:

  • A plasmoid! : its not really convenient to keep the project manager window open and adjust your current window just to drop some weburl to the project manager. I tried a system tray icon but then realized it doesn't support darg-drop (if you know a way to do it, please let me know). So a plasmoid is the way to go. You don't need the window open just drag and drop things in the plasmoid
  • Ui for browsing the resources related to a project: Ui is not very neat at the moment. It needs work and some way to browse all the resources related to a project.

Tell me what you would want!

This project is something everyone of us can use. It would be awesome if you can suggest features to add, concerns about GUI, or ANYTHING.

Project Repository : git://

my IRC nick is swair, I hang out mostly at #kde-in , #nepomuk-kde on freenode.If you have ideas, comments or concerns about the project just drop in a mail at the nepomuk mailing list.or my personal address swairshah at gmail dot com.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

google summer of code 2011

I know its been over a month since the coding period started but my first blog on gsoc 2011 (on the blog and planet KDE) is going to be out in just a few mins, I couldn't resist posting this before i start discussing the project!

I'm working on Nepomuk, KDE.