I am, in a word, a drifter. Easily get impressed and inspired by every AWESOME! thing I come across, and then get drifted away to another AWESOME(R!)! thing.This blog conceived just after the new year started (and the birth will be on the first day of the year 2011).This was purely coincidental, no 'new year resolution' attached to it. (I personally hate the fuss people create when just another pseudo-static digit is changed on their calenders.) Let me describe the circumstance under which I finally started 'blogging'. That justifies my 'in a word' description of myself.
After 2 days of playing FIFA 11,sleeping,eating and taking (prescribed) drugs I finally reboot my computer to Linux in order to do something which might be considered productive. I open the browser and ctrl+shift+T, around 20 tabs open up which i have been meaning to read from a week now. I close some read one or two. The Cromed Bird changed its color. Click and up comes a github page some javascript project. That reminds me I had started reading nodejs documentation and had started enjoying all the JavaScript stuff ( !! ).
But then of course something better must have come along and I moved on from js, and somehow ended up spending over 17 hours playing the AWESOME FIFA in feverish condition and realized something went wrong. Yes so the Github page, there i found the 'inspiration' for that project. Now that was a Web app from the google app store. (It was an addictive game and very challenging one at that.)
So i came across the google app store and i realized that its just another new thing which may become as big as the ITunes store. Personally I love the idea of having applications that run in the browser and consequently I love the netbooks concept, but more on that, later. With Google's Cr-48 yet to hit the market the app store is relatively new.I think we spend most of our 'computing' time using the browser and Web apps are going to replace native apps. But everything said I just think web apps are cool and wanted to know how to build one that can be put up on the Google webstore. It is a simple(r) 10 step process, but it requires you to have a site to host your app on, I have no such site hence the blog on Blogger.
I didn't want to make an empty blog which was just what was required at the moment, but no I thought its high time for me to start scribbling in the cyberspace. The web apps pages got pushed on the never ending tab stack of my browser and I started searching my mind and soul for the hidden literary genius hidden somewhere (I browsed all the blogs of my friends that I follow and tried to find a proper Introduction blog to steal from.) First of all I needed a name (and copying the NAME of some blog i follow would be lame (I think)). I looked around. A bunch of half finished (lets just go for optimism shall we?) books and I eyed the one that has been my partner through all the ups and downs for years The Road to Reality.(Yeah I just can't seem to be able to go beyond a certain chapter in the damn thing for such a long amount of time that I just don't want to share it, its just too mentally demanding at times!). (OK if you know what i am talking about then this, you should check out.) Combine that with my new found interest in coding the blog is named CodeToReality! Drifting continues.
Now a little about me and less about the legendary CodeToReality. My interest and consequently future posts on this blog include this set : Math, Theoretical physics (the adjective makes it sound so cool), computers (work and play), music (I am learning to play the guitar (I LOVE string instruments and specially the cello, guitar and sitar)), art and artists ( I occasionally sketch and may be will flaunt my better works on the blog someday), technology, applied mathematics (it not the same as math and again the cool adjective), and some random stuff. Yes thats about it. I tend to use a lot of parentheses, the reason: I can write a simple code and create a new blog removing some or all the parentheses entries and thats an article by my another (split) personality!(!).
I swear I had no idea that I would write this long an introduction. I hope this blog would be a log of my hitch hiking from one awesome thing to another, and will remind me when i drift REALLY away from my main course( ha ha! Even i don't know yet what it is) and its time to return to something productive again.
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